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Sunday 26 May 2024

Was Patching

#!/bin/bash # Configuration WAS_HOME="/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer" # WebSphere home directory PROFILE_NAME="AppSrv01" # WebSphere profile name IMCL_PATH="/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl" # Installation Manager CLI path REPOSITORY_PATH="/path/to/repository" # Path to the repository containing the patches LOG_DIR="$WAS_HOME/logs/patching" # Directory to store patch logs PATCHES="" # Patch ID(s) # Create log directory if it doesn't exist mkdir -p "$LOG_DIR" # Stop the server echo "Stopping WebSphere server..." "$WAS_HOME/profiles/$PROFILE_NAME/bin/" server1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to stop WebSphere server. Exiting." exit 1 fi # Apply the patch echo "Applying WebSphere patch..." "$IMCL_PATH" install "$PATCHES" -repositories "$REPOSITORY_PATH" -installationDirectory "$WAS_HOME" -log "$LOG_DIR/patching_$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S').log" -acceptLicense if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to apply WebSphere patch. Exiting." exit 1 fi # Start the server echo "Starting WebSphere server..." "$WAS_HOME/profiles/$PROFILE_NAME/bin/" server1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to start WebSphere server. Exiting." exit 1 fi echo "WebSphere patching completed successfully."

Script for WebSphere Log Housekeeping

#!/bin/bash # Configuration LOG_DIR="/path/to/websphere/logs" # Directory where logs are stored ARCHIVE_DIR="/path/to/websphere/archive" # Directory to move compressed logs DAYS_TO_KEEP=30 # Number of days to keep logs before deletion LOG_EXTENSION="log" # Log file extension (e.g., log, out) # Create archive directory if it doesn't exist mkdir -p "$ARCHIVE_DIR" # Find and compress log files older than $DAYS_TO_KEEP days find "$LOG_DIR" -name "*.$LOG_EXTENSION" -type f -mtime +$DAYS_TO_KEEP -exec gzip {} \; -exec mv {}.gz "$ARCHIVE_DIR" \; # Delete compressed log files older than $DAYS_TO_KEEP days from the archive directory find "$ARCHIVE_DIR" -name "*.$LOG_EXTENSION.gz" -type f -mtime +$DAYS_TO_KEEP -exec rm -f {} \; # Log the housekeeping activity echo "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - WebSphere log housekeeping completed" >> "$LOG_DIR/housekeeping.log"