DeadLock Identification from a Single Javacore File in WebSphere on Linux .
Sample Javacore Extracts and Locking Explanation for a DeadLock Condition:
Deadlock detected !!!
Thread "WebContainer : 6" (0x0
is waiting for:
which is owned by:
Thread "Agent Heartbeat" (0x0
which is waiting for:
which is owned by:
Thread "WebContainer : 29" (0x0
which is waiting for:
which is owned by:
Thread "WebContainer : 6" (0x0
The above entries from the LOCKS section of Javacore.txt shows a DeadLock condition happened between (3) threads ' WebContainer : 6 ', ' Agent Heartbeat ' and ' WebContainer : 29 '.
Note: When reviewing Systremout.log from WebSphere the profile/logs directory, DeadLocks will most probably show up as WSRV0605W hung thread warning messages
and can only be diagnosed as a "DeadLock" when reviewing the Javacores
in either a text editor or using specialized tooling such as IBM Thread
and Monitor Dump Analyzer for Java.
-->> WebContainer : 6 thread shows an exception happened at spring framework at org/ apac he/l og4j /Cat egor llAp pend ers( Cate gory .jav a:20 3(Co mpil ed Code))
which is being logged by org/apache/log4j by acquiring the ' root logger ' lock and then this thread is calling a mail service and then being introspected by Wily. For introspection, Wily needs the ' StallSweeper ' lock which is being owned by the " Agent Heartbeat " thread.
Thread Name
WebContainer : 6
Owns Monitor Lock on org/ apac he/l og4j /spi /Roo tLog ger@ 0x00 0000 0025 878D C0
Waiting for Monitor Lock on java /lan g/Ob ject @0x0 0000 0002 D7D8 81 0
Java Stack
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/bl ames tack feat ure/ Blam eSta ckFe atur eBla meSt ack. IBla meSt ack_ addE xtra Para mete r(Bl ameS tack Feat ureB lame Stac k.ja va:1 05(C ompi led Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/bl ame/ Dupl icat eHan dlin gBla meSt ack. IBla meSt ack_ addE xtra Para mete r(Du plic ateH andl ingB lame Stac k.ja va:6 0(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/bl ame/ Comp ound Blam eSta ck.I Blam eSta ck_a ddEx traP aram eter (Com poun dBla meSt ack. java :165 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/bl ame/ Comp onen tTra cer. addE xtra Para mete r(Co mpon entT race r.ja va:3 28(C ompi led Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/bl ame/ Comp onen tTra cer. addE xtra Para mete r(Co mpon entT race r.ja va:3 16(C ompi led Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/tr ace/ io/S ocke tBac kend Trac er.a nnot ateB lame Stac k(So cket Back endT race r.ja va:1 53(C ompi led Code))
at java /net /Man aged Sock etIn putS trea mHig hPer form ance .ann otat eBla meSt ack( Mana gedS ocke tInp utSt ream High Perf orma nce. java :328 (Com pile d Code))
at java /net /Man aged Sock etIn putS trea mHig hPer form ance .rea d(Ma nage dSoc ketI nput Stre amHi ghPe rfor manc e.ja va:2 31(C ompi led Code))
at com/ sun/ mail /uti l/Tr aceI nput Stre am.r ead( Trac eInp utSt ream .jav a:10 6(Co mpil ed Code))
at java /io/ Buff ered Inpu tStr eam. fill (Buf fere dInp utSt ream .jav a:22 9(Co mpil ed Code))
at java /io/ Buff ered Inpu tStr eam. read (Buf fere dInp utSt ream .jav a:24 8(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ sun/ mail /uti l/Li neIn putS trea adLi ne(L ineI nput Stre am.j ava: 84(C ompi led Code))
at com/ sun/ mail /smt p/SM TPTr ansp ort. read Serv erRe spon se(S MTPT rans port .jav a:17 42(C ompi led Code))
at com/ sun/ mail /smt p/SM TPTr ansp ort. open Serv er(S MTPT rans port .jav a:15 23(C ompi led Code))
at com/ sun/ mail /smt p/SM TPTr ansp ort. prot ocol Conn ect( SMTP Tran spor t.ja va:4 53(C ompi led Code))
at java x/ma il/S ervi ce.c onne ct(S ervi ce.j ava: 291( Comp iled Code))
at java x/ma il/S ervi ce.c onne ct(S ervi ce.j ava: 172( Comp iled Code))
at java x/ma il/S ervi ce.c onne ct(S ervi ce.j ava: 121( Comp iled Code))
at java x/ma il/T rans port .sen d0(T rans port .jav a:19 0(Co mpil ed Code))
at java x/ma il/T rans port .sen d(Tr ansp ort. java :120 (Com pile d Code))
at org/ apac he/l og4j /net /SMT PApp ende ndBu ffer (Byt ecod e PC:214(Compiled Code))
at org/ apac he/l og4j /net /SMT PApp ende r.ap pend (Byt ecod e PC:56)
at org/ apac he/l og4j /App ende rSke leto Appe nd(A ppen derS kele ton. java :230 (Com pile d Code))
at org/ apac he/l og4j /hel pers /App ende rAtt acha bleI mpl. appe ndLo opOn Appe nder s(Ap pend erAt tach able Impl .jav a:65 (Com pile d Code))
at org/ apac he/l og4j /Cat egor llAp pend ers( Cate gory .jav a:20 3(Co mpil ed Code))
at org/ apac he/l og4j /Cat egor rced Log( Cate gory .jav a:38 8(Co mpil ed Code))
at org/ apac he/l og4j /Cat egor ror( Cate gory .jav a:30 2)
at com/ appl icat ionX /poc s/ui /web /con trol lers /Exc epti onHa ndle solv eExc epti on(E xcep tion Hand ler. java :61)
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ serv let/ Disp atch erSe rvle oces sHan dler Exce ptio n(Di spat cher Serv let. java :112 0(Co mpil ed Code))
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ serv let/ Disp atch erSe rvle Disp atch (Dis patc herS ervl et.j ava: 944( Comp iled Code))
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ serv let/ Disp atch erSe rvle Serv ice( Disp atch erSe rvle t.ja va:8 52(C ompi led Code))
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ serv let/ Fram ewor kSer vlet .pro cess Requ est( Fram ewor kSer vlet .jav a:88 2(Co mpil ed Code))
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ serv let/ Fram ewor kSer vlet .doG et(F rame work Serv let. java :778 (Com pile d Code))
at java x/se rvle t/ht tp/H ttpS ervl et.s ervi ce(H ttpS ervl et.j ava: 575( Comp iled Code))
at java x/se rvle t/ht tp/H ttpS ervl et.s ervi ce(H ttpS ervl et.j ava: 668( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ serv let/ Serv letW rapp er.s ervi ce(S ervl etWr appe r.ja va:1 227( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ serv let/ Serv letW rapp er.h andl eReq uest (Ser vlet Wrap per. java :776 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ serv let/ Serv letW rapp er.h andl eReq uest (Ser vlet Wrap per. java :458 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ serv let/ Serv letW rapp erIm pl.h andl eReq uest (Ser vlet Wrap perI mpl. java :178 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/W ebAp pFil terC hain .inv okeT arge t(We bApp Filt erCh ain. java :136 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/W ebAp pFil terC hain .doF ilte r(We bApp Filt erCh ain. java :97( Comp iled Code))
at com/ appl icat ionX /poc s/ui /web /uti l/Se ssio nExp iryF ilte Filt er(S essi onEx piry Filt er.j ava: 60(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/F ilte rIns tanc eWra pper .doF ilte r(Fi lter Inst ance Wrap per. java :195 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/W ebAp pFil terC hain .doF ilte r(We bApp Filt erCh ain. java :91( Comp iled Code))
at com/ appl icat ionX /poc s/ui /web /uti l/Co mmon Filt er.d oFil ter( Comm onFi lter .jav a:44 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/F ilte rIns tanc eWra pper .doF ilte r(Fi lter Inst ance Wrap per. java :195 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/W ebAp pFil terC hain .doF ilte r(We bApp Filt erCh ain. java :91( Comp iled Code))
at com/ appl icat ionX /poc s/ui /web /uti l/GZ ipSe rvle tFil ter. doFi lter (GZi pSer vlet Filt er.j ava: 42(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/F ilte rIns tanc eWra pper .doF ilte r(Fi lter Inst ance Wrap per. java :195 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/W ebAp pFil terC hain .doF ilte r(We bApp Filt erCh ain. java :91( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/W ebAp pFil terM anag er.d oFil ter( WebA ppFi lter Mana ger. java :928 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/W ebAp pFil terM anag er.i nvok eFil ters (Web AppF ilte rMan ager .jav a:10 25(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ weba pp/W ebAp p.ha ndle Requ est( WebA pp.j ava: 3761 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ weba pp/W ebGr oup. hand leRe ques t(We bGro up.j ava: 304( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ WebC onta iner .han dleR eque st(W ebCo ntai ner. java :976 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ WSWe bCon tain er.h andl eReq uest (WSW ebCo ntai ner. java :166 2(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ chan nel/ WCCh anne lLin ady( WCCh anne lLin k.ja va:2 00(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/h ttp/ chan nel/ inbo und/ impl /Htt pInb ound Link .han dleD iscr imin atio n(Ht tpIn boun dLin k.ja va:4 59(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/h ttp/ chan nel/ inbo und/ impl /Htt pInb ound Link .han dleN ewRe ques t(Ht tpIn boun dLin k.ja va:5 26(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/h ttp/ chan nel/ inbo und/ impl /Htt pInb ound Link .pro cess Requ est( Http Inbo undL ink. java :312 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/h ttp/ chan nel/ inbo und/ impl /Htt pInb ound Link .rea dy(H ttpI nbou ndLi nk.j ava: 283( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s sl/c hann el/i mpl/ SSLC onne ctio nLin term ineN extC hann el(S SLCo nnec tion Link .jav a:10 48(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s sl/c hann el/i mpl/ SSLC onne ctio nLin adyI nbou ndPo stHa ndsh ake( SSLC onne ctio nLin k.ja va:7 16(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s sl/c hann el/i mpl/ SSLC onne ctio nLin k$My Hand shak eCom plet edCa llba ck.c ompl ete( SSLC onne ctio nLin k.ja va:4 12(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s sl/c hann el/i mpl/ SSLU tils .han dleH ands hake (SSL Util s.ja va:1 066( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s sl/c hann el/i mpl/ SSLH ands hake IOCa llba ck.c ompl ete( SSLH ands hake IOCa llba ck.j ava: 87(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/t cp/c hann el/i mpl/ AioR eadC ompl etio nLis tene r.fu ture Comp lete d(Ai oRea dCom plet ionL iste ner. java :175 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ io/a sync /Abs trac tAsy ncFu ture .inv okeC allb ack( Abst ract Asyn cFut ure. java :217 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ io/a sync /Asy ncCh anne lFut ure. fire Comp leti onAc tion s(As yncC hann elFu ture .jav a:16 1(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ ibm/ io/a sync /Asy ncFu ture .com plet ed(A sync Futu re.j ava: 138( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ io/a sync /Res ultH andl er.c ompl ete( Resu ltHa ndle r.ja va:2 04(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ io/a sync /Res ultH andl er.r unEv entP roce ssin gLoo p(Re sult Hand ler. java :816 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ io/a sync /Res ultH andl er$2 .run (Res ultH andl er.j ava: 905( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/u til/ Thre adPo ol$W orke n(Th read Pool .jav a:18 62(C ompi led Code))
Waiting Threads: 36
WebContainer : 0
WebContainer : 1
WebContainer : 10
WebContainer : 11
WebContainer : 15
WebContainer : 17
WebContainer : 19
WebContainer : 2
WebContainer : 20
WebContainer : 21
WebContainer : 22
WebContainer : 23
WebContainer : 24
WebContainer : 25
WebContainer : 26
WebContainer : 29
WebContainer : 3
WebContainer : 31
WebContainer : 32
WebContainer : 36
WebContainer : 37
WebContainer : 39
WebContainer : 4
WebContainer : 40
WebContainer : 41
WebContainer : 45
WebContainer : 46
WebContainer : 47
WebContainer : 48
WebContainer : 49
WebContainer : 5
WebContainer : 7
WebContainer : 8
WebContainer : 9
Blocked by: 1
Agent Heartbeat
-->> Agent Heartbeat thread is on progress with introspection by owning the ' StallSweeper ' lock but needs the ' MemorySession ' lock to complete the process, which is being owned by the " WebContainer : 29 " thread.
Thread Name
Agent Heartbeat
Owns Monitor Lock on java /lan g/Ob ject @0x0 0000 0002 D7D8 810
Waiting for Monitor Lock on com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/s tore /mem ory/ Memo rySe ssio n@0x 0000 0001 1EF1 EF1 8
Java Stack
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/s tore /mem ory/ Memo rySe ssio n.up date Last Acce ssTi me(M emor ySes sion .jav a:63 8(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/s tore /mem ory/ Memo rySt ore. getS essi on(M emor ySto re.j ava: 194( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/s tore /mem ory/ Memo rySt ore. getS essi on(M emor ySto re.j ava: 712( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/S essi onMa nage tSes sion From Stor e(Se ssio nMan ager .jav a:49 7(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/S essi onMa nage tSes sion (Ses sion Mana ger. java :476 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/S essi onMa nage tSes sion (Ses sion Mana ger. java :462 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/S essi onMa nage tSes sion (Ses sion Mana ger. java :693 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/S essi onCo ntex tIHt tpSe ssio n(Se ssio nCon text .jav a:46 6(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/S essi onCo ntex tIHt tpSe ssio n(Se ssio nCon text .jav a:42 6(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ srt/ SRTR eque stCo ntex tSes sion (SRT Requ estC onte xt.j ava: 104( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ srt/ SRTS ervl etRe ques tSes sion (SRT Serv letR eque st.j ava: 2152 (Com pile d Code))
at sun/ refl ect/ Gene rate dMet hodA cces sor4 06.i nvok e(By teco de PC:65(Compiled Code))
at sun/ refl ect/ Dele gati ngMe thod Acce ssor Impl .inv oke( Dele gati ngMe thod Acce ssor Impl .jav a:37 (Com pile d Code))
at java /lan g/re flec t/Me thod .inv oke( Meth od.j ava: 611( Comp iled Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/tr ace/ serv let/ Obje ctWr appe voke Meth odOn Obje ct(O bjec tWra pper .jav a:10 2(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/tr ace/ serv let/ Requ estW rapp er.g etSe ssio n(Re ques tWra pper .jav a:84 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/tr ace/ serv let/ Serv letP aram eter Load er.a ddSe ssio nID( Serv letP aram eter Load er.j ava: 687( Comp iled Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/tr ace/ serv let/ Serv letP aram eter Load er.a ddPa rame ters (Ser vlet Para mete rLoa der. java :625 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/tr ace/ serv let/ Serv letP aram eter Load er.d oWit hWra pper s(Se rvle tPar amet erLo ader .jav a:38 4(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/tr ace/ serv let/ Serv letI nvoc atio nDat aHel per$ Safe GetS ervl etWr appe rs.e xecu te(S ervl etIn voca tion Data Help er.j ava: 89(C ompi led Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/tr ace/ serv let/ Serv letI nvoc atio nDat aHel per$ Safe Exec uteO nInv ocat ionD ataW ithT hrot tlin g.ex ecut eSaf e(Se rvle tInv ocat ionD ataH elpe r.ja va:3 6(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/tr ace/ Http Serv letT race r.II nvoc atio nDat aPar amet erCa llba ck_a ddPa rame ters (Htt pSer vlet Trac er.j ava: 551( Comp iled Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/tr ace/ Invo cati onDa ta.I Comp onen tPar amet erCa llba ck_a ddPa rame ters (Inv ocat ionD ata. java :580 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/tr ace/ Blam ePoi ntTr acer $1.I Comp onen tPar amet erCa llba ck_a ddPa rame ters (Bla mePo intT race r.ja va:1 96(C ompi led Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/bl ames tack feat ure/ Blam eSta ckFe atur eSta ckEn try. crea teCo mpon entE vent Data (Bla meSt ackF eatu reSt ackE ntry .jav a:67 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/bl ames tack feat ure/ Blam eSta ckFe atur eBla meSt ack. make AndS endS naps hot( Blam eSta ckFe atur eBla meSt ack. java :281 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/st alls /Sta llFe atur eSta ckEn try. chec kIfS tall ed(S tall Feat ureS tack Entr y.ja va:7 6(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/st alls /Sta llFe atur eckI fSta lled (Sta llFe atur e.ja va:1 79(C ompi led Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/st alls /Sta llSw eepe r.sw eepS tack s(St allS weep er.j ava: 125( Comp iled Code))
at com/ wily /int rosc ope/ agen t/st alls /Sta llSw eepe r.IT imes tamp edRu nnab le_e xecu te(S tall Swee per. java :96( Comp iled Code))
at com/ wily /uti l/he artb eat/ Inte rval Hear tbea t$Be havi orNo de.e xecu te(I nter valH eart beat .jav a:94 4(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ wily /uti l/he artb eat/ Inte rval Hear tbea t.ex ecut eNex tBeh avio rAnd Calc ulat eSle epTi me(I nter valH eart beat .jav a:48 9(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ wily /uti l/he artb eat/ Inte rval Hear tbea cess $2(I nter valH eart beat .jav a:44 3(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ wily /uti l/he artb eat/ Inte rval Hear tbea t$He artb eatR unna ble. run( Inte rval Hear tbea t.ja va:6 65(C ompi led Code))
at java /lan g/Th read .run (Thr ead. java :773 )
Waiting Threads: 1
WebConatiner : 6
Blocked by: 1
WebConatiner : 29
-->> WebContainer : 29 thread is in progress with session invalidation after owning the ' MemorySession ' lock at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/s tore /mem ory/ Memo rySe ssio vali date (Mem oryS essi on.j ava: 232( Comp iled Code)).
But for logging the invalidation process, this thread needs ' root logger ' lock, which is owned by the " WebContainer : 6 " thread.
Thread Name
WebContainer : 29
Owns Monitor Lock on com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/s tore /mem ory/ Memo rySe ssio n@0x 0000 0001 1EF1 EF18
Waiting for Monitor Lock on org/ apac he/l og4j /spi /Roo tLog ger@ 0x00 0000 0025 878D C 0
Java Stack
at org/ apac he/l og4j /Cat egor llAp pend ers( Cate gory .jav a:20 1(Co mpil ed Code))
at org/ apac he/l og4j /Cat egor rced Log( Cate gory .jav a:38 8(Co mpil ed Code))
at org/ apac he/l og4j /Cat egor fo(C ateg ory. java :663 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ appl icat ionX /poc s/ui /web /uti l/Se ssio nLis tene ssio nDes troy ed(S essi onLi sten er.j ava: 22(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/h ttp/ Http Sess ionO bser ver. sess ionD estr oyed (Htt pSes sion Obse rver .jav a:17 9(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/S essi onEv entD ispa tche ssio nDes troy ed(S essi onEv entD ispa tche r.ja va:1 60(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/S tore Call back .ses sion Inva lida ted( Stor eCal lbac k.ja va:1 26(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/s tore /mem ory/ Memo rySe ssio vali date (Mem oryS essi on.j ava: 232( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/h ttp/ Http Sess ionI mpl. inva lida te(H ttpS essi onIm pl.j ava: 303( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/S essi onDa ta.i nval idat e(Se ssio nDat a.ja va:2 47(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s essi on/H ttpS essi onFa cade .inv alid ate( Http Sess ionF acad e.ja va:2 00(C ompi led Code))
at com/ appl icat ionX /poc s/ui /web /con trol lers /com mon/ Erro rPag eCon trol ler. disp lay5 00Er ror( Erro rPag eCon trol ler. java :29)
at sun/ refl ect/ Gene rate dMet hodA cces sor3 149. invo ke(B ytec ode PC:48)
at sun/ refl ect/ Dele gati ngMe thod Acce ssor Impl .inv oke( Dele gati ngMe thod Acce ssor Impl .jav a:37 (Com pile d Code))
at java /lan g/re flec t/Me thod .inv oke( Meth od.j ava: 611( Comp iled Code))
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ meth od/s uppo rt/I nvoc able Hand lerM etho voke (Inv ocab leHa ndle rMet hod. java :219 (Com pile d Code))
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ meth od/s uppo rt/I nvoc able Hand lerM etho voke ForR eque st(I nvoc able Hand lerM etho d.ja va:1 32(C ompi led Code))
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ serv let/ mvc/ meth od/a nnot atio n/Se rvle tInv ocab leHa ndle rMet hod. invo keAn dHan dle( Serv letI nvoc able Hand lerM etho d.ja va:1 00(C ompi led Code))
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ serv let/ mvc/ meth od/a nnot atio n/Re ques tMap ping Hand lerA dapt er.i nvok eHan dler Meth od(R eque stMa ppin gHan dler Adap ter. java :604 (Com pile d Code))
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ serv let/ mvc/ meth od/a nnot atio n/Re ques tMap ping Hand lerA dapt er.h andl eInt erna l(Re ques tMap ping Hand lerA dapt er.j ava: 565( Comp iled Code))
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ serv let/ mvc/ meth od/A bstr actH andl erMe thod Adap ter. hand le(A bstr actH andl erMe thod Adap ter. java :80( Comp iled Code))
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ serv let/ Disp atch erSe rvle Disp atch (Dis patc herS ervl et.j ava: 923( Comp iled Code))
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ serv let/ Disp atch erSe rvle Serv ice( Disp atch erSe rvle t.ja va:8 52(C ompi led Code))
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ serv let/ Fram ewor kSer vlet .pro cess Requ est( Fram ewor kSer vlet .jav a:88 2(Co mpil ed Code))
at org/ spri ngfr amew ork/ web/ serv let/ Fram ewor kSer vlet .doG et(F rame work Serv let. java :778 (Com pile d Code))
at java x/se rvle t/ht tp/H ttpS ervl et.s ervi ce(H ttpS ervl et.j ava: 575( Comp iled Code))
at java x/se rvle t/ht tp/H ttpS ervl et.s ervi ce(H ttpS ervl et.j ava: 668( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ serv let/ Serv letW rapp er.s ervi ce(S ervl etWr appe r.ja va:1 227( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ serv let/ Serv letW rapp er.h andl eReq uest (Ser vlet Wrap per. java :776 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ serv let/ Serv letW rapp er.h andl eReq uest (Ser vlet Wrap per. java :458 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ serv let/ Serv letW rapp erIm pl.h andl eReq uest (Ser vlet Wrap perI mpl. java :178 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/W ebAp pFil terC hain .inv okeT arge t(We bApp Filt erCh ain. java :136 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/W ebAp pFil terC hain .doF ilte r(We bApp Filt erCh ain. java :97( Comp iled Code))
at com/ appl icat ionX /poc s/ui /web /uti l/GZ ipSe rvle tFil ter. doFi lter (GZi pSer vlet Filt er.j ava: 50(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/F ilte rIns tanc eWra pper .doF ilte r(Fi lter Inst ance Wrap per. java :195 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/W ebAp pFil terC hain .doF ilte r(We bApp Filt erCh ain. java :91( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/W ebAp pFil terM anag er.d oFil ter( WebA ppFi lter Mana ger. java :928 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ filt er/W ebAp pFil terM anag er.i nvok eFil ters (Web AppF ilte rMan ager .jav a:10 25(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ weba pp/W ebAp pReq uest Disp atch er.d ispa tch( WebA ppRe ques tDis patc her. java :138 5(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ weba pp/W ebAp pReq uest Disp atch er.f orwa rd(W ebAp pReq uest Disp atch er.j ava: 194( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ weba pp/W ebAp ndEr ror( WebA pp.j ava: 3263 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ weba pp/W ebAp p.ha ndle Exce ptio n(We bApp .jav a:37 91)
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ weba pp/W ebAp p.ha ndle Requ est( WebA pp.j ava: 3772 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ weba pp/W ebGr oup. hand leRe ques t(We bGro up.j ava: 304( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ WebC onta iner .han dleR eque st(W ebCo ntai ner. java :976 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ WSWe bCon tain er.h andl eReq uest (WSW ebCo ntai ner. java :166 2(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/w ebco ntai ner/ chan nel/ WCCh anne lLin ady( WCCh anne lLin k.ja va:2 00(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/h ttp/ chan nel/ inbo und/ impl /Htt pInb ound Link .han dleD iscr imin atio n(Ht tpIn boun dLin k.ja va:4 59(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/h ttp/ chan nel/ inbo und/ impl /Htt pInb ound Link .han dleN ewRe ques t(Ht tpIn boun dLin k.ja va:5 26(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/h ttp/ chan nel/ inbo und/ impl /Htt pInb ound Link .pro cess Requ est( Http Inbo undL ink. java :312 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/h ttp/ chan nel/ inbo und/ impl /Htt pInb ound Link .rea dy(H ttpI nbou ndLi nk.j ava: 283( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s sl/c hann el/i mpl/ SSLC onne ctio nLin term ineN extC hann el(S SLCo nnec tion Link .jav a:10 48(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s sl/c hann el/i mpl/ SSLC onne ctio nLin adyI nbou ndPo stHa ndsh ake( SSLC onne ctio nLin k.ja va:7 16(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s sl/c hann el/i mpl/ SSLC onne ctio nLin k$My Hand shak eCom plet edCa llba ck.c ompl ete( SSLC onne ctio nLin k.ja va:4 12(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s sl/c hann el/i mpl/ SSLU tils .han dleH ands hake (SSL Util s.ja va:1 066( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/s sl/c hann el/i mpl/ SSLH ands hake IOCa llba ck.c ompl ete( SSLH ands hake IOCa llba ck.j ava: 87(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/t cp/c hann el/i mpl/ AioR eadC ompl etio nLis tene r.fu ture Comp lete d(Ai oRea dCom plet ionL iste ner. java :175 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ io/a sync /Abs trac tAsy ncFu ture .inv okeC allb ack( Abst ract Asyn cFut ure. java :217 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ io/a sync /Asy ncCh anne lFut ure. fire Comp leti onAc tion s(As yncC hann elFu ture .jav a:16 1(Co mpil ed Code))
at com/ ibm/ io/a sync /Asy ncFu ture .com plet ed(A sync Futu re.j ava: 138( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ io/a sync /Res ultH andl er.c ompl ete( Resu ltHa ndle r.ja va:2 04(C ompi led Code))
at com/ ibm/ io/a sync /Res ultH andl er.r unEv entP roce ssin gLoo p(Re sult Hand ler. java :816 (Com pile d Code))
at com/ ibm/ io/a sync /Res ultH andl er$2 .run (Res ultH andl er.j ava: 905( Comp iled Code))
at com/ ibm/ ws/u til/ Thre adPo ol$W orke n(Th read Pool .jav a:18 62(C ompi led Code))
Waiting Threads: 1
Agent Heartbeat
Blocked Threads: 1
WebContainer : 6
-->> WebContainer : 6 thread shows an exception happened at spring framework at org/
which is being logged by org/apache/log4j by acquiring the ' root logger ' lock and then this thread is calling a mail service and then being introspected by Wily. For introspection, Wily needs the ' StallSweeper ' lock which is being owned by the " Agent Heartbeat " thread.
Thread Name
WebContainer : 6
Owns Monitor Lock on org/
Waiting for Monitor Lock on java
Java Stack
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at java
at java
at com/
at java
at java
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at java
at java
at java
at java
at java
at org/
at org/
at org/
at org/
at org/
at org/
at org/
at com/
at org/
at org/
at org/
at org/
at org/
at java
at java
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
Waiting Threads: 36
WebContainer : 0
WebContainer : 1
WebContainer : 10
WebContainer : 11
WebContainer : 15
WebContainer : 17
WebContainer : 19
WebContainer : 2
WebContainer : 20
WebContainer : 21
WebContainer : 22
WebContainer : 23
WebContainer : 24
WebContainer : 25
WebContainer : 26
WebContainer : 29
WebContainer : 3
WebContainer : 31
WebContainer : 32
WebContainer : 36
WebContainer : 37
WebContainer : 39
WebContainer : 4
WebContainer : 40
WebContainer : 41
WebContainer : 45
WebContainer : 46
WebContainer : 47
WebContainer : 48
WebContainer : 49
WebContainer : 5
WebContainer : 7
WebContainer : 8
WebContainer : 9
Blocked by: 1
Agent Heartbeat
-->> Agent Heartbeat thread is on progress with introspection by owning the ' StallSweeper ' lock but needs the ' MemorySession ' lock to complete the process, which is being owned by the " WebContainer : 29 " thread.
Thread Name
Agent Heartbeat
Owns Monitor Lock on java
Waiting for Monitor Lock on com/
Java Stack
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at sun/
at sun/
at java
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at java
Waiting Threads: 1
WebConatiner : 6
Blocked by: 1
WebConatiner : 29
-->> WebContainer : 29 thread is in progress with session invalidation after owning the ' MemorySession ' lock at com/
But for logging the invalidation process, this thread needs ' root logger ' lock, which is owned by the " WebContainer : 6 " thread.
Thread Name
WebContainer : 29
Owns Monitor Lock on com/
Waiting for Monitor Lock on org/
Java Stack
at org/
at org/
at org/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at sun/
at sun/
at java
at org/
at org/
at org/
at org/
at org/
at org/
at org/
at org/
at org/
at org/
at java
at java
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
at com/
Waiting Threads: 1
Agent Heartbeat
Blocked Threads: 1
WebContainer : 6
These locks we have just seen above are raised from Wily Instroscope Agent, WebSphere Session Handler and applicationX, so needs further investigation by involving appropriate product support component teams and application developers to review their corresponding code.
Nice Article. Thanks for sharing with us..
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