IBM HTTP Server and SSL helpful links .
Here are some very useful IBM HTTP Server (IHS) SSL links:
Documentation about setting up SSL virtualhosts, creating keyfiles,
certificates, protecting access to directories and URLs to specific
ciphers, tracing and recording SSL traffic, how to create a key database
file and renewing a certificate using iKeyman, how to check the
password expiration information of a KDB file, how to convert personal
certificates stored in a PKCS12 or PFX file into a CMS key database
Also: configuring IHS with two different virtualhost
definitions on SSL (port 443), IP-Based Virtual Hosting, SSL
certificates with Subject Alternative Names (SAN), configuring IHS for
multiple SSL certificates (multiple domains) using one IP address only
and configuring IHS to require an SSL client certificate for certain
requests, but not for others.
Please see below for further details:
HTTP SSL Ser ver Ques tion s an d An swer s - This
WST E pr esen tati on w ill revi ew s etti ng u p SS L se ssio ns f rom clie nt t o IH S an d Pl ugin to WA S - Guid
e to pro perl y se ttin g up SSL wit hin the IBM HTTP Ser ve r - Usin
g iK eyma n to cre ate a ke y da taba se f il e - Rene
wing a c erti fica te u sing iKe yma n - Use
a co mman d to che ck t he p assw ord expi rati on i nfor mati on o f a KDB file . - Conv
ert a ce rtif icat e st ored in the PKCS 12 o r PF X ke y da taba se t ype into an IBM HTTP Ser ver CMS key data base fil e - Usin
g Na meVi rtua lHos t wi th S SL i n IB M HT TP S erve r - IP-B
ased Vir tual Hos ting mus t be use d if con figu ring mul tipl e SS L Vi rtua l Ho st s - SSL
SAN cert ific ates and IBM HTT P Se rve r - IBM
HTTP Ser ver (IHS ) an d mu ltip le S SL c erti fica tes with one IP addr es s - How
do I con figu re I BM H TTP Serv er t o re quir e SS L Cl ient Aut hent icat ion for only cer tain req uest s, b ut n ot o ther s
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