Some important unix commands and resolved deployment issue.

CPU for top 10 process:

ps aux | sort -nrk 3,3 | head -n 10

Certificate Expiry date:

** gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -details -db key.kdb -stashed -label | sed -n -e 1,8p | cut -f1

** echo q | openssl s_client -connect IHSHOSTNAME:443 | openssl x509 -noout -enddate

grep "21:0[5-9]" logfile

**Determines top 5 proceses 

svmon -Pu -t 5 | grep -p Pid | grep '^.*[0-9]'

** Last Logged in user on system:

last | head -n 10 | awk NR==1'{print $1}'

*** Chk memory in GB and MB:

**svmon -G -O unit=GB
**svmon -G -O unit=MB

** svmon -C java -O filtertype=working,segment=category,filtercat=exclusive,unit=MB

** Chk the largest file size in dir:

du -sk * | sort -rn | head -5

Application was not deployed successfully:

Deployment of the 1st ear completed successfully however 2nd ear couldn’t be exploded in the container because of which you are not able to access the application. please find below snippet which shows cache ear is available in the container.

It appears that the deployment script would have run multiple times as can be seen from the dmgr logs where the ear is exploded first but failed in subsequent distributions and lead to synchronization failure.  FYI. Disk space and inode count was under threshold at container level.

Please re-trigger the deployment to fix the issue

@ Application was not deployed cause , /opt/IBM was 82% full only 2.1 GB memory was there free, and application size was 1 GB. So, due to this deployment went in redeployment status.

   So, we freed some space . And deployment was successful.


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