
IBM HTTP Server and SSL helpful links .

Here are some very useful IBM HTTP Server (IHS) SSL links: Documentation about setting up SSL virtualhosts, creating keyfiles, certificates, protecting access to directories and URLs to specific ciphers, tracing and recording SSL traffic, how to create a key database file and renewing a certificate using iKeyman, how to check the password expiration information of a KDB file, how to convert personal certificates stored in a PKCS12 or PFX file into a CMS key database file. Also: configuring IHS with two different virtualhost definitions on SSL (port 443), IP-Based Virtual Hosting, SSL certificates with Subject Alternative Names (SAN), configuring IHS for multiple SSL certificates (multiple domains) using one IP address only and configuring IHS to require an SSL client certificate for certain requests, but not for others. Please see below for further details: IBM  HTTP  SSL  Ser ver  Ques tion s an d An swer s This  WST E pr ese...

Troubleshooting Native Memory Issues .

When it comes to trou bles hoot ing  nati ve m emor y is sue s , typically where WebContainer transport is concerned, two troubleshooting methods are quite popular: 1) Disable AIO 2) Sett ing  the  WebS pher e Ap plic atio n Se rver  Web Cont aine r to  syn chro nous  mod e Both troubleshooting steps aim to avoid the large native memory footprint that may occur when using AIO or Asynchronous data transfer.  Much of the underlying native memory consumers in the WebContainer I/O are the directByteBuffers (DBBs) that host the I/O memory.  You can read about the troubleshooting methodology in the above links.  What I want to outline here are clarifications regarding AIO, NIO, DBBs, Synchronous and Asynchronous Transport that often arise when discussing the use of one or both of the troubleshooting methods: Both AIO and NIO use direct byte buffers (DBB) to transport data. Both AIO and NIO can b...

Anatomy of workspace/wstemp in WebSphere Application Server .

What is Workspace: Whenever a user logs into the administrative console, or uses wsadmin scripting to make a configuration change, the changes are stored in the workspace. When a user uses the ConfigService configuration service interface of the Java application programming interfaces (APIs), the user specifies a session object that is associated with the workspace in order to store the changes. Only when the user performs a save operation under the administrative console, wsadmin scripting, or the Java APIs are the changes propagated and merged with the master configuration repository. For each administrative console user or each invocation of wsadmin scripting, the application server creates a separate workspace directory to store the intermediate changes until the changes are merged with the master configuration repository. Users of the Java APIs use different session objects to decide where the workspace directory resides. Both the administrative console and ws...

MustGather: Performance, hang, or high CPU issues with WebSphere Application Server on Linux

If you are experiencing performance, hang, or high CPU issues with WebSphere Application Server on Linux, this MustGather will assist you in collecting the data necessary to diagnose and resolve the issue. There are two scripts that can be used to collect the performance diagnostic information Please expand the following section and download one of the scripts and use it to collect information during the problem Collecting data Complete the following three steps: (1) Collecting the required data: If you have not already done so, enable verboseGC and restart the problematic server(s). At the time of the problem, run the attached script with the following command: ./ [PID] This script will create a file named linperf_RESULTS.tar.gz and three javacores. This...

HMGR0152W: CPU Starvation detected messages in SystemOut.log

Problem(Abstract) New system is working properly but HMGR warning messages are being logged in the SystemOut.log file. Symptom [10/25/05 16:42:27:635 EDT] 0000047a CoordinatorCo W HMGR0152W: CPU Starvation detected. Current thread scheduling delay is 9 seconds. Cause The HMGR0152W message is an indication that JVM thread scheduling delays are occurring for this process. The WebSphere® Application Server high availability manager component contains thread scheduling delay detection logic, that periodically schedules a thread to run and tracks whether the thread was dispatched and run as scheduled. By default, a delay detection thread is scheduled to run every 30 seconds, and will log a HMGR0152W message if it is not run within 5 seconds of the expected schedule. The message will indicate the delay time or time differential between when the thread was expected to get the CPU, and when the thread actually got CPU cycles. The HMGR0152W message can ...

How to diagnose error "SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle {0} has not been defined"

Error SRVE0255E means that the webcontainer could not find a web group (web module) or virtual host to handle the request. Here are the steps to diagnose this error: 1. Make sure that the URL entered at the browser is correct. Particularly, make sure that the context root from the URL matches the context root configured for the application. 2. Review the SystemOut.log to make sure that the application and server are started successfully and without any errors. 3. Verify that the application web module is mapped to the correct/intended virtual host. You can do this from the admin console by navigating to the following path: Applications > Websphere enterprise applications > [app_name] > Virtual hosts 4. Under the virtual host that the application is mapped to (#3), make sure that there is a host alias definition for the host name and port number that this request is sent to. You can do this from the admin console by navigating to the following path: E...

How nodeagent monitors WebSphere Application Server.

This document explains how the monitoring policy works in WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and what is the recommended way to start the application server in parallel. There are multiple ways to monitor the application server. For example, using JMX programming, using 3rd party tools, and using other sources. This document explains only how to use nodeagent monitoring for application server and monitoring servers using the Windows service. 1. When I reboot my machine, I want to start all the servers (including Dmgr and nodeagent) automatically. What is the recommended way to do to that? Create wasservice for Deployment Manager server and nodeagent using the WASServiceCmd and set it to automatic. Don't enable Application Server. Set the monitoring policy of application server to Running. Nodeagent can monitor application server process. It can start the server if the server is down) during nodeagent startup or can restart the hung server or start the ser...